Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I'm about to rant so if you don't want to read it this is the warning..
I'm tired of being the one who has to wait to be second, I'm tired of having to see if I am important enough to hang out with or want to be with. I'm tired of not being flirted with like we use to or just plain hearing I'm sorry to not being flirted with. I want to be loved, I want to be important & I want to matter!! I'm no longer that girl he loved so much or looked at with endearing thoughts. Never claimed to be an angel but I try to be nice & treat people as I want to be treated. It never seems to work for some reason, I try so hard ..
I just sit, pray & cry. I wear my heart on my sleeves to where it gets hurt so much and so often..Remind me of how you are suppose to talk to a woman..with care, love maybe endearing words. I must say actions speak louder than words