Friday, August 27, 2010


I'm standing in the dark reaching my hands out to you. The tips of my fingers barely grasp onto you but just as quickly as I grabbed on you were gone. Stepping slowly trying to be careful in the dark wishing I could see just a spot of light through the dark. Then I see your face staring at me. I feel hopeful again but then you are whispering something..I can't make it out & then you're gone again. I feel the warm tears dripping down my face, I just sit in the dark and wait.....

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


The last few days have been rough. I just want honesty...I'm a very open person. When I am with someone I tell them everything but I've been told.."there's just a too honest" Where in our lives does this apply too? Don't we tell our children to tell us the truth no matter what? 
Honesty is....a way we can prevent from being hurt from finding out from someone else...a way to know how the other person really feels about us.....the truth....a way to see if someone is just settling...a way to see if your siginificat other still loves to flirt with someone other than you....
Words are a lot to say but it's the actions that really count. Like being open is to open every part of your life to that one person. There's no need to delete messages, hide text messages, change passwords...if there's a need theres something to hide, you're embarrassed, or you just plain don't want that person in that part of your life. 

Please be kind, open & honest with the ones that matter the most. Not push them away cause once you push too far it may be too late to repair that relationship. Love them as much as you can, words hurt & can't be taken back. Words are never forgotten, words cut deep & makes scars that can never be healed. So be kind, open, honest & loving. It's amazing what happens when you treat people with those charcteristics.